Every time that you contact North East Media Productions by email, we may collect
identifiable personal information such as your IP address, name, email
address, home or business address and phone number as well as non identifiable
information including, but not limited to, operating system, browser type,
domain name, access times and referring web site address.
information is used;
allow customers access to restricted areas of our site;
facilitate accounts and maintain payment records;
personalize some of our products or services for you;
protect our products and rights;
North East Media Productions uses
non identifiable information for the purposes of business analysis, marketing
and promotional purposes.
We may
at times engage other companies to provide products or services on our
behalf, in such cases we will only provide those companies with the personal
information they need for the specific purpose.
We will
not make your identifiable personal information available to third parties
except as noted above or if required to do so by law.